Now it’s possible to add vision support to your forms! Check out these examples and the source code below.
Vision by Image Upload
Vision by Image URL
Edited 2024-06-06 for compatibility with latest version of AI Engine.
For only the file upload version, add the following JavaScript to a post or page with an AI Engine form on it:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { var input = document.querySelector('input[name="IMAGE"]'); input.type = 'hidden'; // Make the existing input hidden // Create a new input for image upload var imageInput = document.createElement('input'); imageInput.type = 'file'; imageInput.accept = 'image/jpeg, image/png, image/webp'; // Accept only images // Insert the new image input after the hidden input input.parentNode.insertBefore(imageInput, input.nextSibling); // Function to handle image file selection and conversion to base64 imageInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) { var file =[0]; if (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { var base64String =; input.value = base64String; // Set the hidden input value to the base64 string var event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true }); input.dispatchEvent(event); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); // Convert the image file to a base64 string } }); });
For both versions add the following PHP snippet:
function ai_convert_image_to_jpeg($input, $max = 4000) { // Check if input is a data URI if (strpos($input, 'data:image/') === 0) { // Extract MIME type and data from data URI list($type, $data) = explode(';', $input); list(, $data) = explode(',', $data); $data = base64_decode($data); $mime = str_replace('data:', '', $type); // Create an image resource from the data $image = imagecreatefromstring($data); if (!$image) return null; // Failed to create image // Determine MIME type for further processing $mime = (function_exists('getimagesizefromstring')) ? getimagesizefromstring($data)['mime'] : $mime; } else { // Fetch the image from URL $image_info = getimagesize($input); $mime = $image_info['mime']; switch ($mime) { case 'image/jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($input); break; case 'image/png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($input); break; case 'image/webp': $image = imagecreatefromwebp($input); break; default: return null; // Unsupported format or failed to get image } } // Get original dimensions $orig_width = imagesx($image); $orig_height = imagesy($image); // Calculate new dimensions and resize if necessary if ($orig_width > $max || $orig_height > $max) { $ratio = $orig_width / $orig_height; if ($ratio > 1) { // Landscape $new_width = $max; $new_height = round($max / $ratio); } else { // Portrait $new_height = $max; $new_width = round($max * $ratio); } // Create new image and copy resized $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $orig_width, $orig_height); imagedestroy($image); // Destroy original image resource $image = $new_image; // Update $image to point to the new resized image } // Process and convert the image to JPEG in memory ob_start(); imagejpeg($image); $jpeg_data = ob_get_clean(); // Cleanup imagedestroy($image); // Return the JPEG data return $jpeg_data; } add_filter( 'mwai_ai_query', function ( $query ) { if ($query->scope != 'form' || !isset($query->extraParams) || !isset($query->extraParams['fields']) || !isset($query->extraParams['fields']['IMAGE'])) { return $query; } $image_field = $query->extraParams['fields']['IMAGE']; $prefix = '['.$image_field.']'; $query->message = mb_substr($query->message, strlen($prefix)); if (str_contains($query->message,'data:image/')) { throw new Exception('There was an error with the image upload.'); } $image_data = ai_convert_image_to_jpeg($image_field); if (!$image_data) { throw new Exception('There was an error with the image conversion.'); } $mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; $query->set_file(new Meow_MWAI_Query_DroppedFile($image_data, 'data', 'vision', $mimeType)); return $query; }, 1, 1);
Optionally, edit $max = 1024
to the maximum image width and height you want to allow before it’s automatically resized.
Add Field to Form
Create an input field with the name IMAGE and a field type of Input.

Add [{IMAGE}] to the beginning of the prompt on the submit element. It will be removed before being sent to your connected AI model.

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